Thursday, April 16, 2015

Socratic Seminar

April 16, 2015

E.Q: Collaborate a topic for a Socratic Seminar and facilitate a conversation.
Obj: I can identify big ideas and connect them to real life.
I can articulate questions that facilitate higher order thinking skills.

What are your three HOT questions?
What articles will you reference?
What evidence do you have?


1.        Speaker Delegation
Determine who will be the facilitator of the seminar.

2.       Socratic Seminar
Each circle will have at least 20 minutes to discuss the topic.

Block One
If the justice system is rigged, is it justifiable to kill others in the name of justice?
How do we see these ideas in books movies, comics, etc.

Block Two 
What is the importance of justice in ATTWN?
Were these actions justifiable?
Connect these ideas to real life and human nature.

Block Four
Was it justifiable for all guests to die? Explain.
Analyze the psychological torment the guests underwent.
Relate this to real life.

Pick a peer that will evaluate your performance during the seminar.
This is not the sole factor of the grade, but it does help!

Make sure that you participate!!!
Ask your questions!
Respond to your peers!
This is a part of your grade!!

What is one thing you walked away with from the seminar?

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