Monday, February 2, 2015


February 3, 2015

E.Q:  How are heroes portrayed throughout history?
What do you know about William Shakespeare?
Obj: I can identify qualities and characteristics of heroes throughout history.


You have 30 minutes until you have to begin your presentations.
What do you need to finish and how can you successfully complete your project in the time allotted?


1.  Final Project 

Review the requirements. 
Make sure that you have everything ready to go.

2.  Presentations

In small groups you will present the following information:
1.  Your definition of a hero.
2.  Verdict of Beowulf and why.
3.  Three examples

Don't forget to share your images.

3.  Reflection/ Self-Evaluation
How did you do overall?
What would you do differently?
What would you keep the same?
What are you proud of.

In a Google Doc write a page reflection.

Please answer the questions in the form linked above as honest as possible.

What are three things you learned from your informal presentations?

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