Wednesday, January 7, 2015


January 8, 2015

E.Q: What is a hero?
Obj: I can define the term hero.


Please answer the Beowulf Prior Knowledge questions.


1.  Hero Competition
What comes to mind when you think of a hero?
With your table generate words that you associate with heroes.
The table that comes up with the most unique words wins.

2.  Hero Definition
Based on the previous activity, how would you define the term hero?


Each table will be assigned 2-3 stages of the hero's journey.
Create a graphic chart to explain these two steps.

Please include:
Name of step
One sentence explanation of what it means.
An illustration to support explanation.

You will present this information to the class.

Who is your personal hero?
Write a 1/2 page entry to explains who your hero is and why.

Benchmark Dates:
January 26
February 18
April 8
April 29

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