Thursday, January 29, 2015

Beowulf Final Project

January 30, 2015

E.Q:  How are hero's portrayed throughout history?
Obj: I can identify qualities and characteristics of hero's throughout history.



1.  Final Project 

2.  S.MA.R.T. goals
Fill out the Google form above after each 20 minute break.
Set a goal that you want to achieve in 20 minutes.
After 20 minutes we will take a break and set a new goal.

3.  Repeat

 What are you going to do this weekend to have your project ready for Tuesday?

Continue work on project.
Complete Benchmark if necessary.
 Don't forget to get your progress report signed! :)

Socratic Seminar Alternate Assignment.

In TWO TPEQEA pararaphs respond to ONE of the following THREE choices:

1.  How do stereotypes of heroes impact our view of the world?
2.  How do heroes create stereotypes that impact our view of people?
3.  Create a solution for the problem presented by stereotypes of heroes.

You must include 2 QUOTES.  Use the articles and your notes.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Hero Socratic Seminar

January 29, 2015
E.Q: How do stereotypes in comics, movies, etc. impact our view of the world?
Obj: I can identify the impact stereotypes in literature and movies have on people?
Please have 3 HOT questions ready for the seminar tomorrow.
You may use the Bloom's Taxonomy stems to help.
  1.  Socratic Seminar
How do stereotypes in comics, movies, etc. impact our view of the world?
Please read Harvey and Renee's. 
Then select one article from Gender Issues and one from Diversity
Gender Issues
Take a moment to review your Cornell Notes or Double Entry Journal Notes.
 Select one person to evaluate during the seminar.
Please give accurate feedback and make sure you sit in a position so that you can see your partner.

What is one new piece of information that you will walk away with from the seminar.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Socratic Seminar Prep

January 28, 2015

E.Q: How do stereotypes in comics, movies, etc. impact our view of the world?
Obj: I can identify the impact stereotypes in literature and movies have on people?


Skit Refresher
Please get back together with your groups.
Review the script and make sure that you are ready.
Have a quick rehearsal if you need to.


1.  Skits
Act out your alternate ending for Beowulf.

2.  Reflection
How did your ending differ from the original?
Which version did you like more?
What did you think of the other groups alterations?
Write a 1/2 page, double spaced reflection on the skits.
3.  Socratic Seminar Prep
How do stereotypes in comics, movies, etc. impact our view of the world?

Please read Harvey and Renee's. 
Then select one article from Gender Issues and one from Diversity
Gender Issues

While reading take Cornell Notes.

What is one HOT question that you have after reading these articles
Please have 3 HOT questions ready for the seminar tomorrow.
You may use the Bloom's Taxonomy stems to help.

Monday, January 26, 2015

End of Beowulf

January 27, 2015

E.Q: How does the author impact the story?
Obj: I can identify how author's purpose impacts the story.

 Listen to Katy Perry's Roar.
How does this song personify the ideas of an unlikely hero.
 How does this relate to other unlikely hero tales.



Read pages 18-24

Why does Beowulf fight the dragon?
What role does Wiglaf play?
What is your opinion on the ending?
2.  Translation
At your tables, you will come up with an alternative ending to Beowulf.
Create a skit that will last approx 2 minutes.
Each person must contribute by either creating the script or acting.
3.  Reflection
How did your ending differ from the original?
Which version did you like more?
As a group, write a 1/2-1 page reflection on how your version differed from the original.  
Time Permitting
Finish what you started yesterday.
Select an article of your choice that shows moments of courage or unlikely heroes.
Write a TPEQEA explaining how that person over came odds and succeeded as a hero.
Be honest.  What was your overall opinion of the epic poem?
Don't forget your benchmarks and unlikely hero TPEQEA paragraph are due tomorrow!


Sunday, January 25, 2015

Benchmark 1

January 26, 2015

E.Q: How do you make meaning of unfamiliar words?
What is an unlikely hero?
Obj: I can demonstrate my knowledge of word meanings.
I can identify characteristics of an unlikely hero.


What is an unlikely hero?
Describe the qualities of an unlikely hero and provide one example.


1.  Benchmark
Please log in to usatestprep.
Click on 1/26 benchmark.
You must earn an 80%.
This will be recorded in the gradebook.

Select an article of your choice that shows moments of courage or unlikely heroes.
Write a TPEQEA explaining how that person over came odds and succeeded as a hero.
 On a scale of 1-4, where are you on the learning target in term of identifying word meanings?
Explain why and what I can do that would benefit you.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Beowulf 29-33

January 23, 2015

E.Q: How does the language impact the major ideas in Beowulf?
What is an unlikely hero?
Obj: I can identify how language impacts the major ideas of Beowulf.
I can identify different types of heroes and categorize their traits.

Free Write Friday



1.  Review Your Mind Map
Take 5-10 minutes to make sure that you have all 5 elements in your mind map.
Do you have at least 3 examples for each?
Do your summaries support ideas seen in the map?

 Include the following branches:
Kennings & Meanings
Characteristics of heroes, anti-heroes, and villains.
Luscious Lines
2.  Gallery Walk
Look at your peers mind maps.
What could you include?
3.  Reflection
When you return to your seats make any additions you find necessary.
4.  Beowulf 29-33
Discussion Questions
What is the moral of the story of Ingeld and Freaw?
How would you characterize Beowulf back in Geatland?
Has he changed?
How are ideas of the unlikely hero present in the text?
 What do you predict will happen next?

Select an article of your choice that shows moments of courage or unlikely heroes.
Write a TPEQEA explaining how that person over came odds and succeeded as a hero.
What are the qualities of an unlikely hero?
Finish TPEQEA paragraph for Tuesday.


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Beowulf 24-28 Day Two

January 22, 2015
E.Q: How does the language impact the major ideas in Beowulf?
Obj: I can identify how language impacts the major ideas of Beowulf.
 Today we are resuming the partner reading.
Create a list of things you can do to stay focused.
Ex: Put your phone away
Commit to not switching between tabs.

Come up with at least three different things that will help you from being distracted.
1.  Read chapters 24-28
Partner Read
Take turns reading the chapters out loud.
In a Google Doc, summarize each chapter in 2-3 sentences. 

With your partner create a mind map.
In the center place Beowulf.
 Include the following branches:
Kennings & Meanings
Characteristics of heroes, anti-heroes, and villains.
Luscious Lines
3.  Gallery Walk
Look at your peers mind maps.
What could you include?
When you return to your seats make any additions you find necessary.
4.  Time Permitting
Read Beowulf 29-33
 How did reading with a partner help?
What questions do you still have about the poem?

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Beowulf 24-28

January 21, 2015

E.Q: What is the difference between a hero, anti-hero, and villain? 
Obj: I can distinguish the differences between a hero, anti-hero, and villain.

Review your notes from yesterday.

Do you believe Grendel's mother is a hero, anti-hero, or villain?
\Support your answer


1.  Debate
Divide into groups based on whether you believe Grendel's mother is a hero, anti-hero, or villain.
Collaborate together to formulate an argument to support your stance,  
Select one person to articulate your case.

Everyone will get one turn to speak and then 3 minutes to rebuttal.  

Three judges will be selected at random.
They will decide who the winner is.

2.  Read chapters 24-28
Partner Read
Take turns reading the chapters out loud.
In a Google Doc, summarize each chapter in 2-3 sentences. 

With your partner create a mind map.
In the center place Beowulf.
 Include the following branches:
Kennings & Meanings
Characteristics of heroes, anti-heroes, and villains.
Luscious Lines

Did your opinion of Grendel's mother change from the beginning of class?

TPEQEA Paragraph
Based on your recent findings, determine whether Grendel's mother is a hero, anti-hero, or villain.
Use a  QUOTE from one of the articles or TedEd clip.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Beowulf 24-28

January 20, 2015

E.Q: What is the difference between a hero, anti-hero, and villain? 
Obj: I can distinguish the differences between a hero, anti-hero, and villain.

Look back at the section we covered on Friday.
Summarize chapters 20-23 in 2-3 sentences.
Also, locate your best kenning and make sure that it is on your index card.

1.  Quiz, Quiz, Trade
Select the best, most unique kenning you have found.
Write the kenning on one side of an index and on the other write the meaning.
You will be quizzing each other to establish understanding.
Please take notes as you watch.
3.  Double Journal Note Taking
Use the below chart to take notes for the following TWO articles.

Based on your recent findings, determine whether Grendel's mother is a hero, anti-hero, or villain.
Use a  QUOTE from one of the articles or TedEd clip.

5.  Read chapters 24-28
Think of a modern day hero, anti-hero, and villain. 
Please think of an original example (avoiding using ones from the articles).

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Beowulf 20-23

January 16, 2015

E.Q:  What are the poetic techniques used in Beowulf?
Obj: I can understand and apply techniques used in Beowulf.
Free Write Friday

1.  Review Kennings
What is a metaphor?
Metaphor is a figure of speech which makes an implicit, implied or hidden comparison between two things or objects that are poles apart from each other but have some characteristics common between them. In other words, a resemblance of two contradictory or different objects is made based on a single or some common characteristics. (
Kenning Equation:
word + word = new meaning

Kennings in Rap Music
Spot the kenning.
What does it mean?

Bring the Noise- Public Enemy
Bass! How low can you go?
Death row, what a brother knows
Once again, back is the incredible
The rhyme animal
The uncannable D, Public Enemy Number One
Five-O said, "Freeze!" and I got numb
Can I tell 'em that I never really had a gun?

Notorious- Hypnotize
So I just speak my piece, (c'mon) keep my piece
Cubans with the Jesus piece (thank you God), with my peeps
Packing, asking who want it,

Lil John and DJ snake
Turn down for what?!

2.  Read chapters 20-23
What is Hrothgar's reaction to Grendel's mom?
How is Beowulf's killings different from Grendel's mother?
How does Beowulf adhere to the Heroic Code?
3.  Kennings in the Text
Kenning & Line Number
4.  Quiz, Quiz, Trade

Select the best, most unique kenning you have found.
Write the kenning on one side of an index and on the other write the meaning.
You will be quizzing each other to establish understanding.

Where would you place your understanding of kennings on the learning target (1-4)?
Has your understanding of kennings improved?

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


January 14, 2014

E.Q: How does Beowulf reflect the steps of the hero's journey?
Obj: I can identify the steps of the hero's journey in Beowulf.

Checking for understanding.
Please fill out the Beowulf Understanding form to the best of your ability.



1.  Comic Presentations
You will have 10 minutes to finish working on your presentations.

Create a comic strip for your assigned chapter.
Make sure to go back to the text to cover the chapter thoroughly.
Before you begin creating the comic find 3 quotes that are significant.
(One from the beginning, middle, and end.)
Use these quotations as a basis for your comic.
While some work to create the comic, the rest of you should explain what the quote means and why you selected it as being important. 
2.  Read chapters 15-19

What happened between Finn and Hnaf?
What is the purpose of this story?
 What do you predict will happen next?
Refer to the above article to help you with this activity. 
As you know, there are 12 steps in the hero's journey.
Reflect on what has happened in Beowulf so far.
For each step, explain how it is depicted in the epic poem.
If it is not part of the story, explain why you think it was not included.

What did you learn from the class' comic strips?
How did it help your understanding or create confusion?

 Heroes Rubric
When did you do accomplish something you thought was impossible?
When did you overcome the odds?
Write a one page story of how you are your own personal hero.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Beowulf 10-14

January 13, 2015

E.Q: How does the poem use imagery to create meaning?
Obj: I can create a visual aid to support my interpretation of the poem.

These are all different interpretations of what Grendel looks like.
Which one is most similar to what you visualized?




  Finish Chapter 5-9
Why do you think Hrothgar allows the Geats to help?
How does Beowulf demonstrate characteristics of a hero?
What is the significance of the tale of Brecca?
What do you think will happen between Grendel and Beowulf?
2.  Chapters 10-14
How does chapter 10 foreshadow the fight?
What is significant about the fight between Beowulf and Grendel?
 What is the purpose of the story of Siegmund in chapter 13?
How has Unferth changed since the first time he was introduced?

3.  Comics
Create a comic strip for your assigned chapter.
Make sure to go back to the text to cover the chapter thoroughly.
Before you begin creating the comic find 3 quotes that are significant.
(One from the beginning, middle, and end.)
Use these quotations as a basis for your comic.
While some work to create the comic, the rest of you should explain what the quote means and why you selected it as being important. 

How does the battle between Grendel and Beowulf reinforce the idea of Beowulf as a true hero?
When did you do accomplish something you thought was impossible?
When did you overcome the odds?
Write a one page story of how you are your own personal hero.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Beowulf 5-9

January 12, 2015



Create a family tree for the Danes.
How did Hrothgar come to power?




Read Chapter 5-9

Why do you think Hrothgar allows the Geats to help?
How does Beowulf demonstrate characteristics of a hero?
What is the significance of the tale of Brecca?
What do you think will happen between Grendel and Beowulf?

2.  Heroes
When did you do accomplish something you thought was impossible?
When did you overcome the odds?

Write a one page story of how you are your own personal hero.

What do you predict will happen between Beowulf and Grendel?

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Beowulf Prologue-4

January 9, 2015

E.Q:  What are the poetic techniques used in Beowulf?
Obj: I can understand and apply techniques used in Beowulf.


First Block- Free Write Friday
As a continuation from last semester you will write at least a 1/2 page about anything of your choice.

Second and Fourth Block- Personal Hero
Who is your personal hero?
Write a 1/2 page entry to explains who your hero is and why.


1(First block).  Read Beowulf
Read Prologue- 4
1( Second and Fourth Block).  12 Stages of the Hero's Journey
Each table will be assigned 2-3 stages of the hero's journey.
Create a graphic chart to explain these two steps.
Please include:
Name of step
One sentence explanation of what it means.
An illustration to support explanation.
You will present this information to the class.

2.  Discussion
Prologue- What is the purpose of this section?
1- How are the warriors characterized?
2-How is the villain characterized?
3- How is Beowulf characterized?
4- How are the Geats characterized?

How do these descriptions impact the purpose of this story?

3.  Kennings and Alliteration  

Copy and paste this chart into your Google folder.
Look back through the section we read in class and find at least 5 examples of each.
Please place each example in its appropriate category.


Create at least 3 of your own modern day kennings.
Please be original.

Example- muffin top (a fat person's stomach that hangs over their pants)